News from Liesek
Irena Gareková (60) z obce Liesek má pod palcom veľké gazdovstvo, ktoré zveľaďuje od roku 1990. Nezľakne sa ani chlapskej roboty. Popri prácach okolo statku, pestovaniu zeleniny či výroby vlastných syrových dobrôt zvláda aj jazdu na traktore ...
Vidiecka žena roka 2015: Trúfa si na traktor aj kravy
Pod mínus desať bolo aj na staniciach Plaveč, Poprad, Liesek, Turzovka, Bardejov, Medzilaborce a v Liptovskom Hrádku. Na niektorých miestach, najmä v dolinách a kotlinách, leží snehová pokrývka, v Oravskej Lesnej je osem centimetrov snehu, v Telgárte ...
Slováci sa dnes zobudili do mrazivého rána, v Bratislave začali s posypom
Police responded to the 38-year-old woman at Providence Hospital on Sept. 17. She told them a white male in his early 30s forced his way into her home and sexually assaulted her. She said he fled a black pickup truck. Mobile police said they located ...
5 Sex Myths—Debunked Figuring out exactly what she wants starts with separating fact from fiction. Sex Tips from Real Women Dive into what a woman loves in the bedroom. If you've ever played Two Truths and a Lie, you know how it goes: A stranger whom ...
Two Truths and a <b>Lie: Sex</b> Ed 101
Robert Pattinson is back in Twilight's Breaking Dawn Part 1, but really the actor just wants to be breaking away from Twilight all together. Fact and fiction reign in the world of Breaking Dawn's PG-13 sex scenes and lie detector ...
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart news: Lie detector love <b>lie, sex</b>
pasangan suami istri pengusaha siomay, Yoribut, 65, dan Lie Sek Nio, 60, di rumahnya di Jalan Rawa Kucing, Gang Siomay, RT 01/06, Kampung Sewan Rawa Kucing, Kelurahan Mekar Sari, Kecamatan Neglasari, Kota Tangerang, Senin (30/7). Keluarga ...
Direkontruksi, Kasus Pembunuhan Pedagang Somay di Neglasari
Photos from Liesek
Zip Code from Liesek
027 12