News from Kristy
The “tips” ads are part of a pretty powerful campaign that shows the real life effects of smoking, but this particular ad—released last year—puts a bizarre emphasis on smoker Kristy's e-cigarette use. Kristy, a 35-year-old truck driver from Tennessee ...
What Is the CDC Implying with this Vaping PSA?
Trong số cuối cùng sử dụng hình ảnh nude, Kristy Garett sẽ xuất hiện trên 12 trang ảnh và 1 trang giữa của ấn phẩm tháng 1 và tháng 2 năm 2016. Vinh dự mà Playboy dành cho Kristy làm cô người mẫu trẻ tin rằng nó có thể thay đổi cuộc đời của cô. “Tôi ...
Ngắm dung nhan chân dài khép lại lịch sử huy hoàng của Playboy
Kristy DeRome-Gomberg, a Pittston native and thalassemia patient, has been organizing the annual event since its implementation, hoping to raise local awareness of the disease. “Thalassemia is an inherited disease,” she said. “I was diagnosed at 3 ...
Pittston native puts focus on rare blood disorder thalassemia
Watch out Paige! Kristy Best has joined the cast of Neighbours as John Doe's ex-girlfriend Mandy. As The Daily Mail reports, Best will make a guest appearance as the mysterious character later this year.
Neighbours casts John Doe's ex-girlfriend Mandy
Think your kid is cute? Most parents throughout Sampson County think they have one or more, and many of them are ready to prove it by entering The Sampson Independent's Cutest Kids contest that went live this morning. Registering for the contest is easy.
“Quiero inspirar a los jóvenes, que se den cuenta del poder que tienen en sus manos, que sientan realmente que están empoderados, que pueden lograr cuanto quieran y sólo hace falta tener esa voluntad de hacerlo”, dijo ayer la escultista Ana Kristy ...
“Primero es soñar”
Photos from Kristy
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072 55